Guitar Orchestra
(ages 8–18, at least 2 years of experience required)
NW Austin
June 8–12, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
June 8–12, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
Students will experience the joy of playing guitar surrounded by peers who share a passion for this awesome instrument! Fast-moving and engaging activities keep students moving and learning.
Students will be grouped by age and experience level to take improvisation classes, group music-making, mini private lessons, and more! Engaging music will be arranged so that each student plays a part that is the perfect level for their ability. Guitars are provided during the camp so that students get hands-on experience. At the end of the week students will perform a special concert for friends and family! Camp Fees All Camps — $336 per camper Additional Camps — $247 per camper Registration Fee — $35 per family |