Scott McNultyMaster of Music, Organ Performance
The oldest of five children of a Presbyterian minister and housewife, Scott grew up literally in the church, playing piano and organ by ear at the age of three, followed by formal piano lessons at age seven. He began his official university studies at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and finished his Bachelor degree (church music, choral conducting) at Concordia University at Austin. His Master’s degree in Organ Performance (sacred music emphasis) is from the University of Texas at Austin, working with Drs. Gerre and Judith Hancock.
Currently the Director of Music/Organist at Saint Richard’s Episcopal Church, Round Rock, Texas, and a piano teacher with Orpheus Music Academy, Austin, Texas, he is the former Principal Organist at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church, where he started the King’s Concert Music Series and directed the hand bell choir and contemporary choir. He was also previously organist at University Presbyterian Church for thirteen years and Coordinator of Chapel Music at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, Texas. Scott has been teaching private piano and organ lessons for decades. For nine years he was Organist at First Presbyterian Church in Austin and the founder and coordinator of the St. Cecilia Music Series. The former General Manager for Austin ProChorus, a sixteen-voice professional choir dedicated to the music of living composers, former director of the Austin Children’s Choir Intermediate Choir, former Interim Co-Director of the Compline Choir and long-time chorister at St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, he was the Director of Music for over eleven years at the Marbridge Foundation, Manchaca, Texas, a private residential home for mentally challenged adults. Known in the Austin area for his improvisations, Scott has toured and played recitals in Connecticut, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, Scotland, Germany, Spain, and the Czech Republic, and has lead workshops on hymnology, hymn playing, and handbells as well as youth choirs. A continuing education trip to France in 1998 included the opportunity to play at Chartres Cathedral, Notre Dame Paris, St. Eustache, and St. Clotilde, and the opportunity to further study improvisation. He is the past Dean of the Austin Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, past President of the Austin Chapter of the Choristers Guild, and the Anglican Association of Musicians. His composition, "When the Morning Stars Together", was commissioned and premiered by the choirs and instrumentalists of St. Paul Lutheran Church, La Grange, Texas, for their 100th anniversary in 2003. As author, his articles have been published in The American Organist, Choristers Guild Letters, Overtones, Call to Worship, and Church Music Workshop (United Methodist). For six years he has been a judge at the annual Hymn Festival, sponsored by the Austin District Teacher’s Music Association. His organ studies have been with Kenneth Axelson, George Markey, Gerre Hancock, Judith Hancock, Harold Rutz, Chris Oelkers, and conducting studies with Frauke Hausemann, Allen Crowell, John Kemp, and James Morrow. In his spare time, Scott collects antique Gregorian chant illuminated manuscripts, loves watching movies, and eating Texas barbeque. |