Orpheus Musicianship instructors, Skye McManus and Rachel Kraft attended the American Eurhythmics Society (AES) National Conference in Columbus, Ohio. It was an amazing two days of meaningful movement and music from eight Dalcroze Eurhythmics’s experts. Rachel was made Chair of Social Media, and Skye was asked to be Member-At-Large, a new position on the AES board! What Motivates MeI have always loved playing in ensembles, and have been doing so since I was young. I saw 'School of Rock' when I was 12, and was incredibly inspired by the limitless potential for expression when musicians band together. The inspiration led me to form a rock band with my best friends, and to take my classical guitar ensemble playing very seriously. Through middle and high school, I played in a few ensembles coached by my teacher, Alan Johnston. Rehearsals were incredibly fun, and I had some amazing opportunities, most notably a performance on NPR's 'From the Top'.
Today I am lucky to pursue this passion as a member of the Austin Guitar Quartet. It is made of four incredibly talented former classmates of mine. Our rehearsals (around 10 hours a week) are always fun and inspiring. We have some amazing opportunities coming up this year, including a concert with my guitar heroes, the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet! The talent in this group and the exciting opportunities we've been given make it a huge source of personal inspiration. Watch Stephen perform with Austin Guitar Quartet here. |