Summer break never seems to last quite long enough, and many of our students are already planning ahead to make the most of it! In addition to Orpheus Academy's lessons and fun summer camps, extra summer free time means more exciting opportunities to share and appreciate music. We asked a series of "Would You Rather?" questions to help our students consider different ways to experience the joy of music this summer, so read on to discover what they had to say! Would you rather...
Lyla O. The choice was clear for Lyla, who would much rather form a summer band with friends. She says, "I love hanging out with them so much," and would "enjoy it much more than playing alone." River S. River had a different take, and preferred the idea of only playing music alone for the summer, as according to him, "I mostly only play alone anyways." Kai C. Kai's friends clearly bring him joy, as he chose the option in which "I get to play music with my friends and I get to see them." Amelia Amelia believes only playing music alone would be "totally better" and summarized why in just one word: "CALM." Dave Dave too thinks he would rather play solo for the summer. He currently finds it "hard to play with other people" as he "gets lost." Abby S. Abby had a very sweet response to the question, and would rather play in a summer band "because life is a beautiful melody" and "friends make it special." Daniel P. Daniel considered the choices quite practically, and decided that only playing music with his band wouldn't work for him "because I wouldn't be able to play songs without them," and he would "lose his skills." Kajiri S. Kajiri had a similar thought process as Daniel, and chose the solo option for the sake of consistency: "so I can play all the time." Aarush T. Aarush definitely appreciates being around friends, and chose the group option. In his own words, "it's better to be together FOREVER." Arthi D. Arthi also picked only playing music with a summer band of friends, "because I think that hanging out and playing music with friends is more fun than just playing music by myself." Rishi S. "Because I would be with my friends" is reason enough for Rishi to prefer the summer band option! Samuel Samuel thinks only being able to play music with friends would simply "be more fun." Would you rather:
Zoey T. Listening to songs around the campfire was the obvious answer for Zoey, who has "very sensitive ears" and therefore thinks that "maybe a big outdoor concert isn't the best." Zoe also believes a campfire setting would be fitting as "listening to songs is peaceful and relaxing." Kyon T. Kyon chose to enjoy music at the campfire simply "because it is more fun!" River S. River thinks there would be "too many people" at a big outdoor concert, and at a "campfire I'd probably be with friends." Aarush T. Aarush would "really like to be in a big concert." Daniel P. Daniel also would prefer a big concert over a campfire. According to him: "because I don't know if people would be at the campfire and maybe they have something else to do." Kajiri S. Kajiri thought about the choices in relation to what she already currently likes to do, and picked listening to songs around the campfire as "I'm in girl scouts." Would you rather:
Moukthika N. Moukthika values originality, and would rather compose the music for a summer blockbuster movie because "you would have the opportunity to create something your own." Daniel P. Daniel thinks the recognition that would come with composing for a movie would be great, "because everybody would see me and I would be famous." In addition to the original score he would create, he also would want to incorporate the song "Seven Nation Army" into the soundtrack. Marc Marc already has a vision in mind for the music he would write for a movie's original score: "suspenseful music." Nicco B. Nicco went with creating a playlist for a big beach party as he believes it would would come with "more freedom," but he would still incorporate some of his own original pieces with "music I make on my keyboard." Corban Location is the name of the game for Corban, who would prefer creating the playlist for a beach party "because I would get to go the beach." Among Corban's rocking playlist, "Ode to Joy" would be featured. Mira D. Mira thinks "writing music for a movie would be more important and get more recognition." Lillian Lillian chose to make the music for a movie, and seems to have a very specific kind of scene in mind that she'd like to compose for: "so I can write music for when the main character falls off a cliff." Aura T. Aura isn't quite sure what kind of music she would incorporate, but would rather create a playlist for a big beach party "because you get to play more music!" Kajiri S. Kajiri had an easy decision to make, and picked the option that would allow her to go to the beach! She would definitely put "Rainbow Unicorn Unicorn" on her beach party playlist. Audrey Audrey didn't seem to know what a summer blockbuster movie is, but would make sure her beach party was keeping in theme with the location by making a playlist of "beach music." Avanthika S. K. Avanthika thinks creating a beach party playlist would "be more fun" and would put less pressure on her as well. She "would make/add tropical music, that's kind of Hawaiian maybe." Anushka S. Anushka thinks piano music would be fitting for a beach party, and says she would prefer to make a playlist "because I like the beach." Eleanor Eleanor recognizes the difficulty in composing music, and would instead rather create a playlist for a big beach party "because it is easier." She would ensure that it was a swanky party though by utilizing "jazz." Would you rather...
Sofia would prefer to perform music at a backyard barbecue "because people enjoy music while they eat." She would play "Spanish Caballero," a fun and lively piece! Anya Anya chose to perform music at a pool party, and the reason is simple: "I like parties!" She also says that "See Saw" would be among the songs she plays. In a later answer to the same question, Anya again picked performing at a pool party, for a similar reason: "I like pools!" This time she added "Ode to Joy" to the rotation. Shuyao L. Shuyao appreciates the more contained and personal nature of a backyard barbecue, and explains that it is "because I get to see my friends." Shuyao would perform "O Come Little Children" for those in attendance. Shuyao responded a second time to the question and said he would also play "Go Tell Aunt Rhody." Kajiri S. Although it might interfere a bit with her music, Kajiri would rather perform at a pool party "because I like to play in the pool." Among the songs she would play: "Bee Bee," "Queen Queen," and "Doggie Doggie." Daniel P. Daniel had a hard time deciding and ultimately selected both options "because I like for people to hear how I play." He would also bring a good variety to the songs he performed, including Bach and "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes. Anya Anya prefers swimming to eating barbecue, and would play "Lean On Me," "This Is Your Time," and the bagpipes! Gautham M. Guatham isn't one to be distracted easily, and would perform music at a pool party as "there would be water splashing on me when I am playing." He would also keep the party going by playing "longer songs." Samuel Samuel enjoys a pool party more than a simple backyard get-together (even if there is food involved), and would play "Variations on a Theme of Corelli." Ethan D. Ethan thinks a pool party "would be joyful to play" at, and would include songs like "Party in the U.S.A." and "Surfin' USA" for his performance. Ana C. Ana "doesn't do backyard barbecues sadly," so instead would play "Gaston" at a pool party. Comments are closed.